Update on Bat Studios and Chapter 6

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since the last update and I had to get you all up to speed with why the long silence.

My new job has taken over my life and the little free time I have left, I use to decompress and relax. The good thing is that now I am becoming just a bit more financially stable which means that future releases for Light My Way will continue. I've mentioned before that every new chapter costs me around 500€ or more to make. It's not easy moving forward with the novel, especially when people expect everything for free...

Chapter 6 will take a while to be made, that's for sure. It's quite long and it also needs editing. I'm giving everyone a heads-up about this to be fair to anyone donating money to this project. Feel free to lower your pledge or cancel it if you believe we're not moving fast enough with the new releases. You already know we are only 3 people working on this so it was bound to be slower than other projects. I planned to edit Chapter 6 this weekend, but Sunday is an open day for work where I live so I can't get to it as soon as I had hoped. I'll squeeze in more time for Light My Way once there's more structure in my day-to-day. Hopefully that will be soon.

See you in Stradia!
- Hadrian Maximus

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Take whatever time you need, for yourself (most of all) and for the VN


Thank you for the kind words :)

I'll be anxiously waiting <3
