Very, very tired.

Hello everyone,

I am sure the lack of releases isn't helping Light My Way become more visible or satisfy your reading needs, but I simply can't find the time to write properly. Every Sunday, I use the time to prepare for the coming week and I'm completely overworked and overwhelmed. I don't know when it will stop, but I hope it will be relatively soon. 

In the meantime, we did manage to re-master Chapter 1. I still need to input some lines to make it more sense and I want to first try it out before it goes public. I like the addition. We'll see if everyone feels the same. I hope we will get it ready in the next days. In fact...I'm going to finish eating now and will push through to at least get the new version of Chapter 1 ready. Chapter 6 is still in production...Everything is not going as it used to. But...

We'll be back in full swing, sooner or later :) I added a sketch that may or may not make it into Chapter 6. Let's see how things go in the next month that is looking more and more like a massive uphill battle for me. It will be fine. It has to be :)

See you in Stradia!
-Hadrian Maximus

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Just take it easy, it's better late than nothing. I hope you're guys well and safe cuz this VN is just too great!.

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

It's understandable with the challenges of balancing a career and the novel. I'd prefer for you to not worry about the expectations of others or keeping to a regular release tempo from when you were writing full time. The most important thing I think is to find a realistic balance to fit creating this novel in your life in a way that won't burn you out and gives you enjoyment to do. The only obligation you should feel is to look after yourself.


Thanks for the kind words 🐯


Hello, the truth is I have tried the game a while ago, and I think I am not up to date with the updates, but really what I was able to read was too good, I loved the visual novel, and the truth is I would like you to go ahead and not get Don't be discouraged, I know that sometimes you may feel doubts or frustrations, but let me tell you that what you do has immense value, there are very few novels as good as yours, thank you for giving us the opportunity. read such a wonderful novel

Thank you 🐯