January 2025 Update

Hello everyone,

It's been a while but as a short update: I am now at about 40k words. 

There's stuff I want to edit out and stuff I want to add to some parts. The story is progressing well, but I feel like it could use a bit more focus on inner feelings rather than outside factors. I also need to show some things better. One of the main issues that I am trying to fix is describing the surroundings in a scene. I lean a lot on the visual backgrounds, but I notice there are plenty of opportunities for me to slip in some details that aren't featured in the background. I'll give it a go once I go through the first real edit. As for the end word count, I doubt it's going to be 50k. I haven't gotten to some of the important parts I want to portray. I'm guessing 60-65k. More than that would be stretching it just for the sake of having a bigger number. Anyway, that's it for a bit of news on the Graven part.

The story is taking a few unexpected turns, because I want to give more "screen time" to certain characters, but all in all, it's progressing well enough. I have stopped setting very specific deadlines for myself because they don't seem to work. I end up feeling more pressure than pleasure from writing. So...Graven will be done when it's done :)

See you in Kazuul!
-Hadrian Maximus


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thats for the better,
dont set up "deadlines" and just do it how you feel like it ^^

Thank you :)