So much work...

Hello everyone,

I am currently really busy with my work, and it's taking its toll on me. I am constantly tired, and I can barely watch an episode of something when I get home before going to bed. It's really a difficult time right now, with more pressure mounting from editing the novel. I have to re-read parts that hurt a lot when I see them. Having to go over the same chapter so many times affects me mentally. Today, I was not friendly at all to some people at work because I was still hungry, still frustrated with late buses, and annoyed by their dumb questions. I cry when I have to remember everything in my novel. It's kind of a spoiler, but yeah...I mean, you were all more than aware that the story would be like this. I am tired a lot of the time, but I try to do my best. I managed to get to page 30 today with editing. Only 120 more to go...And then I still have to write the ending. And edit it. But I see it now. Clear as the Kazuul sky when the stars shine bright.

Enough with the gloominess, though.

I got a comment today for Light My Way right when I got home and finally managed to sit down at the PC. It said that Light My Way is this person's favorite visual novel, and I smiled. A tired smile, but it was a smile. Thank you for the comment, kind person. I need it more than you think I do. It really keeps me going. This stuff keeps me going. Otherwise-

Otherwise nothing. 

Graven will show all, reveal all. You'll see what has been torturing me for so long in a few months. 

I doubt there's a chance to publish it sooner unless we break it into pieces, but I don't want that. RLion is very busy right now, and Light My Way is still baking; we can't realistically start with anything else art-wise. 

If you like Light My Way, and if I have it right, a lot of my followers will read Graven in one sitting. Not sure how many hours that will be, but it's considerably shorter than Light My Way. I want you to have an experience, not just read some random brainrot, so I am putting a lot of effort into it. 

Let's hope the hype is worth the wait, though, right?

We'll get there someday. I hope I'll be ready by the time Eurofurence rolls around. That's September 3-6, I think. I'll be in the Artist's Alley promoting both Light My Way and Graven. Come by and say hi if you're around, too! I'll have some prints from both novels, pins, stickers and maybe something even better if all the stars align.

In the meantime, bear with me. I'll get things done.


See you in Kazuul even if Lundium is calling,
-Hadrian Maximus

*image not final and not certain that it will appear in Graven


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You absolutely deserve to take breaks when you need them. It's okay to acknowledge when you're not at your best and prioritize rest. Moving forward, please be gentle with yourself. Remember, even words spoken in jest can leave lasting emotional scars.๐Ÿ’”

Now about the writing ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Hey so  I know things aren't flowing as smoothly as you'd like right now, and that's okay. Remember, 'The first draft is just you telling yourself the story,' as Terry Pratchett said. Don't worry about perfection; 'You can't edit a blank page,' right? - Jodi Picoult. Just 'Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on,' according to Louis L'Amour. 'Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work,' as Stephen King reminds us.

'Writing is rewriting,' William Faulkner emphasized, so don't be afraid to revise and even 'kill your darlings' if needed. And yes, sometimes 'Philip Roth emphasized that progress is made through ongoing work  humorously pointed out, but that doesn't mean you should stop. 'If you wait for inspiration to write, you're not a writer, you're a waiter,' so don't wait for perfect conditions.

'Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere,' Anne Lamott says. 'Writing is a process, a journey not a destination,' as Ralph Fletcher put it. So, 'Don't get it right, get it written,' as James Thurber advised. Through your hard work, you aim to create something that will fill you with a well-earned sense of achievement.And remember, even Hemingway felt like 'There is nothing to writing.  When It gets tough, then you keep going. You've got this!"๐Ÿ˜